Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Bark I

Inspired by the texture and beauty of the barks of trees, I made a series of paintings. This is the first one made a couple of years ago.


meghjanmi said...

looks real..do u use a palette knife..if so,r knives used only for oils or can they be used on thick layers of acrylic too?

Unknown said...

That's very cool texture!! Nice painting!! Great concept too!

Heartful said...

Beautiful, I love the bluish glints. Great texture.

bess said...

you've captured the architecture of the bark beautifully

Mad Guru said...

Wow, this is really impressive. The paint is so thick, I feel like I can touch this bark. It has such a strong three dimensional quality to it! Great work!

Jo said...

Wow! That's a nice one Arvindh. I like the 'lighting' in this one. :-)

Unknown said...

Beautiful detailed work.Looks real and i can c the little fine layers of cracks on bark...how did u do

arvindh said...

meghnanmi and Nirmala,
I used a painting knife for this work. the painting knives can be used with both oils and acrylics. Palette knives may double as painting knives too.
to create the three dimensional quality without wasting paint, I used a thick layer of modeling paste (available in all art stores).

Alina, Tammy hanna, bess, madguru, jo

Thank you all very much.

AscenderRisesAbove said...

very interesting. i like the deep dark hues

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Nice tribute to trees!