Friday, May 12, 2006

Illustration Friday: Angels and Devils




Sarah .B. Scott said...

The devil of the industrial revolution, factories. Interesting take on the theme!

Suji said...

Wow! Great concept. I fully agree with you. Very apy title too - Angles & Demons.

Jo said...

Very thoughtful art!

Devilish Angel said...

Good illustration...

Sarah said...

your sketches are so beautiful.. I showed my daughter your blog.. She is copying your work( sorry!!) she likes it very much. She wants you to know tht, she liked the reflection 1 very much.. It reminds her of the beaaches in Malaysia!!

Unknown said...

sketches are gud and wise comparision,i was confused at first reading the caption
and looking at the sketches...where are devils and angels ?it took me a min to understand.

Heartful said...

Great concept, immediately conveyed. Nice one.

arvindh said...
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arvindh said...

Thank you. The cola industries have taken a pretty heavy toll on the environment. I find it hightly unethical that these industries deplete ground water in countries where people have scant access to potable water.

Thank you. I am glad you could post now. I used conte crayons for this work.

Suji, Jo, vanathi, alexis,
Thank you all very much.

Immigrant in Canada,
Thank you and your daughter for appreciating the pictures here. I am glad that Reflection I reminded her of Malaysia.

Thank you. I did put in some symbols of Angels and Devils in this otherwise concrete comparative sketch. The opening of the tender coconut shell has the oval shaped halo associated with Angels (this was entirely incidental, I noticed the halo only after uploading the sketch!). In 'Devils' I consciously twisted the angle of the bottle-shaped furnaces to look like the horns of the devil.

thank you - I liked your take on the topic too!