Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Laburnum in full bloom

7 X 9.7 inches
Mixed media


Suji said...

The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a
green thing that stands in the way. Some see Nature all ridicule and
deformity, and some scarce see Nature at all. But to the eyes of the
man of imagination, Nature is Imagination itself.
- William Blake
Love your trees.

arvindh said...

What a lovely quote! My goodness very moving. Thank you so much!!

Mad Guru said...

Agreed, great quote and a beautiful painting. I particularly love the way you handled the yellow leaves. It is treated more or less as a single mass, and yet with those bits of orange in the texture, you convey all that detail!

Balaji S Rajan said...

The best in this picture is the reflection of clouds seen in water. A great imagination. You have wonderful hands and all the patience. I bet you are not married yet.

bess said...

it looks like a dream...I'd love to see this tree in a series as it changes throughout the seasons....to see what will be reflected in the water next and what colors the leaves will wear
William Blake's quote is a perfect fit to Arvindh's art.

arvindh said...

Mad Guru,
Sorry that I misled you. I should have mentioned that this is a tree in full bloom ( I have changed the title now).

Balaji S. Rajan and Bess,
Thank you both very much for the comments.

Sarah .B. Scott said...

It is lovely! I also enjoyed the painting of Bridget.
Thanks for the link also!

Jackal said...

hi.. plzz take a look at my new post urgently n help save some one....tcc

Unknown said...

Beautiful painting arvindh.

arvindh said...

Thank you all for your kind comments!